Is That a Sparse Matrix? Extraordinary!

20 years 4 months ago #8413 by Shane
It's actually bigger than you think. But the LDS is so fast the player does not realize the scope of the thing.

I once modded my LDS drives to the speed of light. A trip from Lucretia's Base in the Effrit to the Blackeye-L took 14 hours.

You let it run for an hour, then drop out of LDS to find you can still see the Effrit very clearly... that's just scary. But good-scary...:D

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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20 years 3 months ago #8493 by ShrimpCrackers
Yeah. It does feel large. Its not like lets say "FreeLancer" where they just make you fly slowly... and the dimensions are soo off. I could fly around a planet in 2 minutes and I have to coast pointlessly in tradelanes just to travel.

Seriously, I played MS's FREELANCER (turns out its a i-war2 bite off) first as well as X2 and felt unsatisfied and one day at a game store I picked up this game at the bargain bin!

I've played almost every single Space Sim out there... and this has to be the best Space Sim I've ever played. Its soo... so incredibly polished. All those variations in missions and the unexpected surprises. I mean I've been playing space sims since Wing Commander, and the missions are VERY repetitive. I'm glad that I'm in Act 2 and I've yet done less than 3 escort missions!

Its really too bad all the mods weren't out immediately. I'm sure it would've gave this game an average of 95% instead of the 89%'s I've been seeing alot. I hope they make a IW3! Bravo!

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20 years 3 months ago #8496 by Demiurgo

Originally posted by Shane

I once modded my LDS drives to the speed of light. A trip from Lucretia's Base in the Effrit to the Blackeye-L took 14 hours.

Guys, there is a thing you are talking about that i dont understand completely:

You talk about LDS traveling between systems and how long does it take. Well, i think an LDS class 3 takes near light-speed. I used the calculator and i got the time i should spend going from one point to another, it will take hours, but the fact is that you switch auto-pilot and the game takes about one minute to take you anywhere. I see that EoC uses "time compression" as I-War did, as Elite did, etc.

So when you talk about taking 14 hours from Blakeye to Effrit: how did you do it? Moding the game so no time compression was used?

Please explain [|)]

Edge Of Chaos rookie
I-War veteran

Edge Of Chaos rookie
I-War veteran

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20 years 3 months ago #8497 by Shane
Unlike I-War, Edge of Chaos does not utilize time compression. PS was going to use time compression, but dropped it at some later stage in development. So whatever your travel time... that's the actual time the trip takes.

Which isn't very long. :D LDS in the unaltered game is about 100 times the speed of light. (Technically, this is okay... no physics laws are being broken since you're skipping over chunks of space so fast it just seems you're traveling 20 times the speed of light. It's all relative... you actually never exceed 1000 m/s.)

You cannot really travel (via LDS drive) between systems (i.e., like LDSing from Hoffer's Wake to Coyote). That's just something everyone has to test when playing the game the first time. ;)

<edit> Oops. Forgot; if you want to change your LDS speeds, just look in the subsims/systems/player folder for the LDS drives (there's 3 for the player, and 3 (I think) for the AI ships). Scroll down the files and you'll see the relevent entry. It's the only one that uses scientific notation. If you're not making a mod (and just changing the original files) be sure to back up the originals.

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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20 years 3 months ago #8500 by Phatose
Do be careful if you mess around with LDS speeds though. I've encountered situations where speeding yourself up too much can cause problems with scripted missions, to the extent that it causes crashes to desktop.

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20 years 3 months ago #8501 by Sivadrake
i have set my lds3 to 500e10 and it worked okay, i played with the maximum linear speed of a storm petrel and set it to 5000000000000, and set my acceleration value to 450000000, it was really strange you couldnt hit the thrusters without moving at least 200 km away from your target. and you actually out fly your cannon fire at that speed, try it its entertaining for a few minutes:D

"Faith lies in the ways of sin"

"Dust to dust we're wired into sadness"

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